Monday, June 27, 2016

Supersonic Flyball Tournament

Fun times in Santa Barbara this past weekend.  We had a nice leisurely drive down the 101 on Friday, leaving at around 2pm.  There was a slight timing issue as we were right at the tail end of the Presidential trip and traffic was bumper to bumper from Redwood City down to San Jose.  After that initial 2 hours, things moved quickly and we were within sight of the beach a few hours later.  Sure it took us until 8pm to get checked in and parked at the Warren Fairgrounds, but everyone arrived safely and Paceman finally survived a 5+ hours drive without any incidents... Way to go, buddy.

After an early morning start on Saturday, we joined everyone from Pacific Pups to run Cody and Cooper on an open team.  Even though we only practiced Cooper passing into Cody twice, we tried it and things seemed to be ok, until Cooper went up against Bay Racers.  Not sure what happened but he was insistent on going over to that box with or without a ball.  We tried moving him first, but that didn't work either so we scratched the race against BR.  BUT interestingly, we ran smoothly the rest of Saturday with Cooper in start.

On Sunday, Cooper was fine during the first race, but then he crossed again to Bay Racers but not any other team... So we put him last and he was fine once everyone ran in the other lane during races against BR.. We'll need to continue to train for this.... And figure out why its only during those races.  The good news, however, is that  Cooper measured 7" jump height officially and we're good to go for both NAFA and UFLI jumps...  Next tournament, Truckee....

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