Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Carson City....

We are very excited for the Carson City, RFR Flyball tournament this weekend.  Both Cooper and Cody will be running.  There will be 3 teams so hopefully we'll be kept busy during this small tournament.  My only concern right now is the drive up to Carson City, NV in this weather and the potential wind.  AND Cooper has been skipping his last jump of late when running into Max so we want to make sure that he's staying inside the lane all the way....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mutts Tournament in Fresno...

Cody and Cooper had a great time in Fresno over the weekend with their pals at the Mutts tournament.  Cooper and Cody both ran clean, with exception of my bad passing and not getting out of the lane after 2 false starts... BUT we still ended up with 1st place on Saturday and 2nd place on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Las Vegas Flyball Tournament....

What a fun weekend we had in Last Vegas.  Cooper ran time and a half both days and Saturday was a bit of a challenge for him in the afternoon... BUT he pulled through for Sunday and I am so proud of him for getting through back to back to back races in both lanes on both sides!  Good job Coops...

We had a fantastic time with Steve, Anita, Michelle and Connor and bonded with our flyball friends from RFR and SS.  Everyone was awesome and we were able to have enough time to go out to dinner after the tournament... No buffets though.